Sunday, June 20, 2010


Joey just saw her first movie in the movie theater... TOY STORY 3.
(You knew it was going to be a Disney.)
I mean, can you think of something better for Mark to do with his little girl on Father's Day?

She did wonderfully. She sat on his lap, reached her hand into my popcorn bag occasionally, and kept her sippy cup in the drink holder (it fits). She did get a little fidgety about 1/2 through, but that was nothing that her lovey couldn't fix.Mommy cried when all the toys held hands at that important part of the movie (I won't spoil it) but Joey was just enthralled.

I had no idea that kids under 3 were free! I don't know if I agree with that. Seems to me, that if you take up a seat, you take up a seat and it doesn't matter how old you are.
But as long as she is free and does so well in the theater, she'll be coming to the movies with Mommy & Daddy more often from now on!

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