Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The Marks family reunion was a blast!
The main entertainment for the kids was the huge blow up water slide.

 There was Crepe Maker, Cold Stone, a cotton candy and a popcorn machine. 
I didn't want to leave.
All the kids also ended up in the pool.
 I'll be honest, I lost track of what my kid ate, and no, I can't tell you how much cotton candy she had.
 Brings new meaning to Mom-Mom's demand to "give me some sugar!"
 Thank you so much to Steve, for letting us invade his lovely home, thank you to whomever set it up, and thank you for all who came cause' it was fun!
There were a thousand and one cameras that were used to take the group picture, but mine wasn't one of them. So, whenever that gets e-mailed around, I will share!

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