Saturday, June 2, 2012


God bless Aunt Aym for suggesting CHIA SEEDS for Joey's constipation issue!

Joey has been constipated since birth. (Mark was too, when he was little.) 
Don't get me wrong, Joey eats fabulously! Granted, like her father, she has a smaller appetite, but she  eats plenty of vegetables, as her favorite foods are anything that can be dipped in Ranch Dressing. Besides eating healthy, we mix prune juice in her morning juice and give her Activia yogurt. All those added together were getting her to the point where she would go once ever other day on her own. (Although we still, occasionally, would have to give her a glycerin suppository.) 

Now that we have started sprinkling Chia seeds in her yogurt, and cereal, and oatmeal... She is going once or twice A DAY! And good consistency too!

And though she has been potty trained for a long while, she would occasionally have accidents basically because she was full of shit and the pressure was too much and sometimes she would have to go (1 or 2) RIGHT NOW! Now that she isn't full of shit, there's no rush. She has a better sense and feel of her body, and it's just not a big deal. She doesn't even tell us if she only has to go pee, she just does what she needs to do and goes back to playing and if we didn't hear the toilet flush and her washing her hands we wouldn't have known she'd gone!

Fiber, Protein and Omega 3. 
This is a super food that has changed our lives at this household, and I just wanted to share! Thanks again Aunt Aym!

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