Friday, June 22, 2012


So we have been prepping Joey to watch The Avengers.

She and I just finished watching Captain America, the last of the prep movies. 

I fast forwarded to the end of the credits, so she could see the sneak peak scene of the next movie. I forgot that at the end of Captain America is a real trailer for The Avengers. 

"Iron Man! Mommy look! Thor! Black Widow! MOMMY LOOK! LOOK!"

The girl totally lost her shit.
She was so overwhelmed, and the scenes were cutting so fast, she couldn't keep up with saying their names as they flashed across the screen, she just kept yelling LOOK!

She totally wants to see "Captain America and all his friends." And she knows the story lines. She knows their real names, their super hero names, their girlfriends... she has got this down. 

The other day, when passing the gas station by our house that is under construction, she pointed out a man that looked like Ivan, the bad guy from Iron Man 2. And she sure as shit was right too!

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