Friday, February 12, 2010


Democrat or Republican?

Conservative or Liberal? Are the same? What do you consider yourself? No one is 100% one or the other. If you fall neatly and completely into one of those two categories then you are a tool. You obviously don't think for yourself, and need to become more informed and think harder about a few things.

Most of us agree with one party on some issues, and the other party on other issues. So how do you decide what to label yourself. I know, I know, some of you might be saying why label at all? Just register as an Independent, or a Libertarian. My answers is we all know damn well that it is going to be a Republican or a Democrat who is elected, so you might as well register yourself as one or the other so you can make more of a difference in the primaries.

You could make two columns, label them D and R and have rows of issues and put and check off down the list. Whichever column you have more checks in, that is what you consider yourself. But that won't necessarily accurately represent your views.

What are your priorities?


  1. I support the death penalty.
  2. I support the right to bear arms (but with obvious restrictions like waiting periods, no felons and no heavy machinery)
  3. I think we need to do some DRASTIC overhauls of the welfare system.
  4. I would support a constitutional amendment, if necessary, to make it so that we collected fingerprints and samples of DNA during children's doctor's visits to have in a database. It would make police work so much easier, to already have this info. We could also always know who the daddy is and make sure he pays for his children.
  5. I think we need to fix our problems here at home for a while before we trying fixing the rest of world.


  1. I support a women's right to choose (Abortion).
  2. Gay's should have to right to do anything they want. Including marry and adopt children.
  3. We need to do all we can to protect and save the environment, even at the cost of the economy.
  4. There should be a firm separation between church and state. (No prayer in school, no school vouchers, no over governing of moral issues like gambling, drugs and prostitution)
  5. We need to increase our education budget and decrease our military budget.
  6. I'm okay with increasing taxes to fix our deficit.

Even though it looks like I'm split down the middle. I consider myself to me a strong, liberal Democrat. Why? Because of my priorities. The first 4 on the democrat list are my top 4 priorities. I would very willing compromise capital punishment or the right to bear arms to achieve those goals.

Of course, it isn't as cut and dry as I have listed. I support some restrictions on abortion. I'm okay with increasing taxes but not just for the rich, for everyone. Everything is complicated. But besides taking the time to think about where you stand, it is important to stay abreast of the issues. Your position may change. I know mine has.

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