Thursday, February 4, 2010


Last night Joey ate, what had to be, a vegetable serving's worth of ketchup.
Heinz, of course, no Hunts in this house.
I made fish and chips (Sandra's Money Saving Meals). It was quiet delicious.
Joey loved it.
But the part Mark and I didn't love was when she went from dipping her chips into the ketchup, to just dipping her fingers into the ketchup, to taking the fish pieces (which Mommy had already put tartar sauce on) and dipping them in ketchup.
Mark had a hard time not saying EWWW!! GROSS!!! on that one.

But we would NEVER say "gross" about a food around Joey. She is entitled to her own opinion, and doesn't need to inherit Mommy's or Daddy's opinions on what foods are "gross". God willing, she'll like everything.

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