Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sorry no pic, but it is kind of an in-motion thing. I am going to maybe sign up for a YOUTUBE account, so that I can post videos. This afternoon Joey went left hand, right, left & then right again with her knees following in a forward motion. I think that constitutes crawling. (In volleyball, it takes 3 times over the net to count as a volley, this was 4.)

We haven't actually finished safetying the house. Guess that is being moved up the to-do-list in priority. So is buying some more rugs. (Birthday/Christmas ideas... anyone? anyone at all?)

She SAT UP BY HERSELF for the first time this weekend too. I mean, she has been sitting really well for about a month now (she is 5 1/2). But she was on her belly and got into a seated position all by herself. Mark saw it first. But I finally saw her do it today.

Now the question is when will she walk? I walked at 8 1/2, Mark at 13.
When will she talk? Mark was talking at 9 months and my mom doesn't remember with me. (Isn't that a shame?) We know that I walked before I talked, and that I was talking before a year. But I was also bilingual and my first word was Spanish (Mira - look).

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