Friday, July 17, 2009


Well, there is no questioning that Joey is crawling now. It isn't a matter of a few steps; she will crawl clear across a room if something she wants to explore is on the other side.


Joey has a gangster pimp lean.

She is "crawling" with her left knee and her right foot.

Okay, think about what a baby looks like on all fours, on their knees. Now picture a baby in the squat or froggy position, almost sitting but really resting their weight on their hands and feet with their but dropped so that I almost touches the floor. Now split the images and put them together. That is how Joey is crawling... with a gangster pimp lean. Fo Shizzle my nizzle!

It's hysterical. I need to capture it on film and put it on YouTube. But whenever I turn the camera on, she stops, because she wants to look at the camera then. She knows the camera does something.

She is also standing on her own for a split second at a time. She has been pulling herself up on things for a while. She especially likes to use the magazine rack, where she was then able to slobber on and destroy part of the TIME commemorative issue of the inauguration (which happens to also be the week of her birth). Mark and I play a game with her that we call Mt. Mommy or Mt. Daddy. We lay on the floor and she tries to climb over us or some part of us. Well she keeps pulling herself up to standing, using our bodies, and then lets go. Of course, only to fall a split second later. She sure is proud and happy with herself though. I think she is going to hurt her cheeks smiling that hard; it's like she trying to get the corner of her lips to touch her earlobes. I know a certain grandpa that has a smile like that.

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