Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sam goes pee pee in the potty 2 to 3 times a day. 
Yes, I said Sam.
I'm not doing the full on "Elimination Communication" thing. 
I didn't do it with Joey and didn't plan to with Sam. 
But Sam just doesn't pee in her sleep. She wakes up dry from almost all of her naps and sometimes in the morning. So one day when I woke her up and went to change her diaper only to find it dry, I stuck her on the potty, just for shits and grins really. And she went pee immediately. 
Sam's schedule is to eat when she wakes up from nap, not before. So when I feed her at 7 AM in the morning, and she goes down for a nap around 9:30ish, I need to wake her up to feed her around 11 or 11:30ish. 
I know, some of you moms out there are thinking "wake up a sleeping baby, are you crazy?" But if not, she'll sleep to much during the day, not eat on schedule, which also means not enough, and would try waking up at night hungry. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 months old. My method works well for us.
If I wake her up, she is dry and goes pee on the potty. 
If she wakes before I wake her, then she sometimes pees before I get there.
I plan to roll with this. I've even tried taking her back to the potty a half hour later and she peed again. 
I never could have done this with Joey!

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