Monday, January 30, 2012


Joey was helping us separate a recent donation of baby clothes.
Mark would throw her an item from across the room, and she would put it in the right pile.
Apparently, he threw one item a little too low and a little too hard.

Joey: (grabbing her pee-pee) "aaawwwhhrrr... you hit my chunk!"
Mark: (lots of high, squealing laughter.)

Both of them came running to find me. (I was in the restroom.) Joey, constantly repeating her new phrase that she now realizes is funny. Mark, still snorting.

I'm the one that had to sober up and explain to her, 1st, that it is JUNK, not CHUNK, and that boys have junk, girls have pee-pees. That was another fun conversation.

1 comment:

La Dura said...

this was hilarious!!!! lmao