Sunday, August 21, 2011


Back to school driving tips
Part 2

1) Do not park in or block the cafeteria delivery area.
(No, not even for the second it is going to take you to kiss little Tommy good-by. Because then the car behind you will do it, and the one behind it, and then the delivery area becomes a second kids drop off point and the drivers can't do their jobs because YOU are a selfish person and a bad Mommy who is setting a bad example for her children.)

**True story** We just had one of our trucks bump a motorcycle that was parked in the loading zone. Cop told the guy he shouldn't have been there.!

2) Let the truck in, let the truck out.
I swear, he is not going to pull in front of you in the drop off line and won't slow you down if you're both on the way out.

3) Don't drive selfish.
Everyone else has to get somewhere too.

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