Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Let's play a game.
It's called name that animal!
Bull? (see horns)
This is one of Joey's bath toys. You are supposed to label and name everything in your child's life to help her learn her words.
So what am I supposed to tell her this animal is?
Mark has decided we won't label it as an animal, we will give it a name. Just like C.J. & Cassie are C.J & Cassie, not "doggy".
Mark says the duck-cow-bull-dike's name is Lola.
After the song. (If you don't know the song, again, your pop culture IQ is non sufficient and click on the name to hear the song.)
** If you like the Kinks, this song particular, or a good live song, follow this link instead of the above one. This one has a long intro, but is much better I think. Lola Live.

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