Thursday, August 6, 2009


So we caught 28 keepers (not all were present for this photo). We probably caught close to 50, counting shorties, but you have to throw those back. In fact, you aren't even allowed to bring them on the boat to measure.
I'm sure we would have caught more had our 3rd lung not broke. We didn't even go out on Thursday. We frequent deeper spots, @ 25 ft deep, and there is just no point without the 3rd lung. I mean, yeah, I could probably catch one, free diving at that depth, but you can't really work a hole at that depth without some air support.
And, I fixed my ear by going down! My ear had been clogged for 2 weeks from not equalizing correctly while coming up from about a 30 ft free dive. I went to the doctor and he said I had barometric trauma. Well, I couldn't help myself. I tried, and found I could go down, and up, and I think I fixed my ear by going back down to the pressure I messed it up at, and slowly returning, equalizing the whole way.
Did I ever tell you about the time my daddy popped his hip back in to place while trying to water ski? It's a Craven thang.

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