Friday, September 26, 2008

22 weeks

So we had a great ultrasound appointment on Monday. Everything is perfect, and the tech said this is the last time we can get a picture of the whole baby. All of him or her won't fit in the same screen after this.

Our tech guy was moving along, like they always do, saying the same thing.
"Everything looks perfect"
"This is what I'm measuring now..."
"And that looks perfect..."
And then stopped, and let out with a "Cool!"

Our baby is already practicing breathing movements. Apparently, that isn't something they look for until more like 32 weeks, not 22 weeks. So our baby is an overachiever.
The tech said that our kid was going to break windows with its scream when it is born.
Mark just looked at me and said "That is her kid."

The tech also referred to our child as "Disobedient" and "Energetic". Our kid is ALWAYS moving. And when the tech would jiggle my tummy to make him or her move into a different position for a better picture, he or she would move alright, and keep on moving right past where the tech wanted him or her to go and straight into another unfavorable position.

So, it seems like I might have reproduced asexually. :)

I've already told grandma that her wish has come true, I'm going to get what I deserve... a baby just like me.

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