Friday, August 9, 2013


I took the girls to the zoo on Sam's actual birthday, which was Tues, 7/16. 

 The last time Sam had been to the zoo was the day before she was born.
 Look Mom! I'm as high as an elephant's eye!
Joey comes to the zoo to play on the fake animals as much as too see the real ones.
 My budding photographer.
Feeding the Rhino.
 Sam was about as excited to see all the different varieties of cow and deer as her father. (That's what Mark calls most of the animals.) 
"Black Nosed Stork."
I'm pretty sure that is a black nosed Deere.

 Sam woke up for the petting zoo.  
 But decided it was more fun to pretend the brush was a phone than to actually brush the goats with it.
Merry-go-round. with Disney music.
That's how you kick it up a notch.
Splash zone. 
Not the only sisters in matching bathing suits. Just sayin'.
  Shoes are required. And they have a hall monitor on steroids enforcing all rules. 
 Can't think of a better way to cool down after a hot morning at the zoo! 
 Sam DID NOT like the way that guy looked. 
She crossed her arms and stared him down hard.
 Yes, that water is shooting directly into Sam's ear.
My instinct is to take a picture.
 Happy Birthday my big girl!

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