Thursday, October 25, 2012


It is hard enough to wake up early on a Saturday to go running, but even harder to leave your bed when you have two sleeping beauties in it. (Of course, it's also hard to fit in the bed with them.)
I drove into D.C. and did my 3 miles on the mall. 
Now THAT felt good!
Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Sam was enjoying another game of pass the baby during breakfast. 
I caught up with the menfolk (Paka Rick, Mark, Dode & Mike) at the Natural History Museum where they had taken the kids for the morning.
 Then we came back and got ready for the rehearsal dinner.
Kevin was a gracious gentlemen and let Sammy play on his blanket.
 Although in this picture, it looks like he's having second thoughts.
  Cousin corner. 
They lined up their Ipads and Kindles and shared nicely.

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