Sunday, November 28, 2010

ABC's vs. Belle, Rose, Rella

Joey may not know her ABCs, but she knows her Belle, Rose & Rella.

Joey can sing 80% of her ABCs with me. Not so much on her own.
She can only identify correctly a handful in random play.

The thing is, she's just not interested.
Which is a first for me.
She has always been interested in learning everything. And she LOVES to be read to. Not just point out the pictures and tell her the names. She wants me to physically drag my finger across the words and read the story. Sometimes she drags my finger for me. And when she "reads" to herself, she drags her finger across the words on the page.

But she is just not interested in learning ABCs.
And that's okay.

She doesn't have to be advanced in everything, and technically she doesn't need to know them till the end of kindergarten. She's not even 2 yet.

The important thing, is that she keeps learning something.
That she keeps having her mind opened, involved, engaged.
That learning remains fun, and not something pushed onto her.

Who are Belle, Rose and Rella?
Beauty (from Beauty and the Beast) Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.
Joey is taking advanced courses in Disney. (Anyone interested, I'm more than happy to teach.)
She knows her colors, all the animals on God's green earth and what sounds they make, and all the classic sing-a-long songs I could think of. (Ask me how many times I've sang The Wheels on the Bus. Go ahead. Ask me.)

She learns what she wants to.
And she loves learning because of it.

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