Saturday, April 17, 2010


The title is a Beatles song reference.

So I've been getting asked the same question over and over again lately:
What does Joey say now?

DaDa, MaMa, Nite-Nite, Uh Oh, Mmmm, No, Bye, Hi, Yeah (not yes, but yeah,) Socks, Eyes, Poo-Poo, Dog, Baby, Doll, Boo!, Bird, C.J. & Keys.

Obviously she doesn't say them perfectly, but people besides Mark and I can understand her when she says it while pointing to the object or making the appropriate gesture.

"What does the monkey say?" Ooh Ooh Ah Ah.

"What does the lion say?" Rrrooaarrr!

She seems to be learning a word or 2 a week. But as excited as everyone is about what she can say, I am far more impressed by what she understands. I can talk to her in normal sentences and if its about routine stuff that we do every day, she understands perfectly.
"JoJo, we're going to go Bye-Bye now so we have to put your shoes and socks on." And she will get up and come into her room to put her shoes on and then take off for the front door while I gather my stuff.
She always knows when you are asking her a question. She may not know exactly what your saying, but she'll answer yeah or no and shake her head (enthusiastically) anyways.
She follows directions well.

This receptive language makes my life much easier more then her few words.

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