Friday, January 20, 2012

Q & A, PART 1

When are you due?

July 18th.
I carried to 38 weeks with Joey. It would be resonable to assume something similar with the second, if not a bit sooner.
So it looks like I will be messing up 4th of July plans this year. 
It also means that I won't be part of Mini Lobster season, something Christopher was very quick to point out, and Mark thought we were both insane for noticing at all.
Chris is going to need a boat bitch to help him scout this year... sign up early!
Are you going to find out the sex?

We didn't for Joey, and we won't for this one either. We like the suprise!
 (I'm also a tree-hugging enviromental type and when people don't know what your having, they don't buy you clothes. I don't want new clothes, I prefer hand-me-downs. Besides, Kaki LOVES to buy baby clothes and don't want to slow grandma's roll.)
Joey's room (when you remove all the princess bedding) was gender neutral tropical Disney. We are going to move her into the bigger bedroom and the next baby will move into Joey's old room. I can be totally ready for the next baby without knowing it's sex.
What do you want, a boy or girl?

I want a boy.
Mark & Joey want a girl.
I just really want to have one of each, and don't want to have to get all Duggar and have a bunch just to get my one of each. I'm not saying I won't want more after that, but I want my one of each.
Mark just wants another Joey. Joey is a full on Daddy's little girl and he absolutely loves it. No, I don't take offense, because I am a Daddy's little girl and so it seems normal and expected to me.
Joey wants me to pop out one of her school play mates. We've explained that it's going to be a baby, like Bradley, that can't walk or talk or hardley eat. But she wants a little girl to play with all the time, whenever she wants. 

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