Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I voted today!

(Relax, I'm still a democrat.) But there is more then just the Republican Primaries to vote on today.
There are also 2 county questions. 

The 1st is about petitions. It asks if we should increase the time allotted to gain the necessary signatures. It also moves the ballot question, should enough signatures be acquired, to the next general election, instead of holding a special election soon after. I think this makes perfect sense, more people show up to vote then.

The 2nd question is about the county commissioners. It sets a limit of 2 consecutive 4 year terms and gives them a pay raise from $6,000 to $90,000 something. Of course term limits make sense. I agree with the pay raise too. The $6,000 is from way back in the day when we thought it was a part time job. And, by paying them something real, more real people can run for it, instead of just people rich enough not to need to get paid.

So come on, get out there and vote! And if your Republican, VOTE RON PAUL! He is the only one that  doesn't stink like toxic waste.

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