Saturday, September 26, 2009


Even as a grown up, admit it, sometimes you just want a McDonald's milkshake and fries.
And you know you have some secret seriously processed food that you like:
Velveeta mac & cheese
Fish sticks

Well the same seems to hold true with babies. I'm not saying give them what they want and let them eat processed food. I'm just saying that you, and your baby's food, don't ALWAYS have to be perfect.

Homemade food is better for several reasons:

Cheaper (you can buy and process in bulk whenever things are on sale & process from your own dinner preparation left overs)
You control flavorings, additives and contents (organic)
Ice cube sizes make for little waste

Make your baby's food yourself or buy the jars?
That is the question.

The answer for me, was a bit of both.

Joey just didn't like the meat I cooked and pureed for her. But she will eat meat just fine out of a jar. There are some veggies, like green beans, that I had a similar problem with.
Then there is the issue of portability; I need something that will stay good to put in her diaper bag.

So the compromise:

I bought organic baby cereals and organic jars of food (in the large variety packs, cheaper that way) that included meat and the veggies that were troublesome for me to make myself.
The fruits and many other veggies (spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, mangoes, blue berries...) I would process and freeze into ice cube trays myself.

When we were at home, we ate home made (except dinner is a jar w/ meat) and when we were out and about, she got a jar of something different.

This was before the introduction of finger foods and dairy.
Now that we have finger foods and dairy, the culinary world is her world to explore.
And she loves to eat. (For the most part)

Now how much of what to give her is yet another entry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I lOVE that you're making homemade baby food. So many fresh fruits and veggies at this time of year too!-