Sunday, September 20, 2009


Are you familiar with Greek Mythology? I realize I may be asking some you to remember as far back as middle school, but try.
Remember the stories about hell or hades? I remember thinking how cool it was that the punishments fit the crime. And they were always so individualized. You're own private hell.

Sisyphus, who rolls the rock up the hill just to have it roll over him and have to start over.

The Danaids, sisters trying to fill a bottomless barrel.

Prometheus, chained to a rock and had his liver eaten by a vulture every day just to grow it back and start all over again.

So I was trying to sweep the floor for my baby. So that it would be clean for her pudgy little hands and feet while she pads around the house on them. My mistake? Trying to do this while the baby is awake and uncontained. She just followed me around, playing in the dirt pile. I pick up the pile, she'd run her fingers through the broom. I'd get her out of the pile and the broom, and she'd go and sit when I now need to move the couch back to.

The dirtiest I've ever seen her inside our house is while I was trying to clean it for her.
Go figure.

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