Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I was at FIU last week with the girls. Sam had two appointments, one with the infant development lab, one with a child one. She was participating in studies, looking at TV screens while they monitored her eye movement.

While I was filling out paperwork at the child lab, she was playing kitchen with Joey. A toy started to make music. Sam stopped to dance. Sam will dance to an elevator floor ding... she will dance to anything! When the toy stopped making noise, I started to sing The Hot Dog dance for her, so she could keep dancing. She abruptly stopped, walked quickly and purposefully across the room towards her stroller, where my phone was, reaching and pointing. 
Me: "No Sam. No Phone!" (I said it firmly, but confused, because she already knows this.)
Sam looks at me, patiently, still pointing at the phone. 
Me: Comprehension dawning across my face "Do you want me to play the song on my phone so you can dance?"
I play the song, she beams and starts dancing her little butt off. 
The assistant next to me: "SHUT UP! How old is she?"
Me: "10 1/2 months."

Between her walking since 8 1/2 months, her following instructions, her dancing, clapping, hi-fiving, waving and saying hi & bye, giving kisses, general good temperament and good behavior... they were AMAZED by my Samantha.

Sometimes, you just need to take a moment to be a proud mom and BRAG. It's healthy!

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