Thursday, May 9, 2013


We had planned to come to Disney this weekend for a while. But we didn't know about May 4th being official Star Wars day until Nikki posted it on facebook at 10 PM the night we were loading the van!
So we changed our schedule, and made Hollywood Studios our first day, so we could be there for this special day.
You couldn't walk 20 feet without bumping into a storm trooper!
Even the deserts were gettin' in on the act!
 Joey rode Star Tours for the first time! And she got to build her own light saber (It glows and makes noises and everything!)

 Everyone was getting in on the act!
 We stayed until the fireworks display at 10 PM. But since the shows all end at around 6, and the Pixar alley had to close down because they were shooting fireworks from the roof, there wasn't a lot to do in the evening. 
 But they did have an awesome DJ and a great block party going on by the center stage under the Sorcerer's hat. 
All sorts of Star Wars characters would just randomly walk through and dance with people and take a few pics before disappearing again. 
 Joey and I danced the night away while Sam slept and Mark people watched.
 Joey had just seen Star Wars for the first time on the drive up and was really excited to see them all. Now we just have 5 more movies to go!

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