Monday, December 6, 2010


I was a middle school teacher for a few years and will return to teaching when Mark and I are finished having kids.
I'm telling you that we could fix a lot of the "problem" children in America if someone at home would just give them a sound butt whoopin'.

It just seems to me that discipline has fallen out of fashion these days.
Not just spanking, or popping, but even using the word "No".

I just don't agree.
1st of all, she's going to be expected to understand and obey the word "No" and follow instructions and behave when she gets to school. I think the teacher has enough to to teach besides having to teach my child how to behave. That's my job.

Joey gets popped.
If I say come here, she needs to come here... now.
If I have to count to 3, it is isn't slow and drawn out. And her butt better be moving before I get to 3, or I'm gonna come over and pop her hand, walk back to where I was standing, and start again. If she starts moving when I start moving, that is after I get to 3, she still gets popped. The idea is, you do as your told... not do as your told only if Mommy is serious about it.

Joey gets popped in public.
She certainly doesn't have the false impression that she can get away with stuff in public because Mommy won't pop her in front of people. It doesn't embarrass me at all. What embarrasses me is the way other people's children act and they do nothing about it. I have to restrain myself from correcting other people's children in public.

Joey was misbehaving the other day in Publix and I stopped the cart, looked at her hard, and said "You wanna get popped?"
The lady passing me gave Joey and I a glance.
But Joey straightened right up.
If that lady wants to act up, I can pop her too.

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