Monday, January 4, 2010


Joey's 5th word is: Mmmm.
As in Mmm Mmm good.

My mother says this counts as a word. It is a synonym of "delicious".

1) Dada
2) Mama
3) Nite-Nite
4) Uh Oh
5) Mmmm

And she says it like a word. I was convincing her to eat a piece of cheese, popped it in my mouth and said "Mmmm." She put a piece in her mouth and repeated "Mmmm." She says it spontaneously whenever we give her something she particularly likes.

How many words can is she going to have by the time she turns 1?
She's got 2 more weeks.
She'd better cram.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, she says, "NO,no,no,no,no" all the time as she's grabbing something that she knows that she shouldn't.