Wednesday, June 24, 2009


What the @#$%?
It's been getting better with each feeding. She has to help me, or she won't open her mouth. Which is okay, I've been told by other moms and the books that letting them help feed themselves from the beginning is messier yes, but leads to a more proficient self feeder quicker. Whether its the bottle, or the spoon, if her hands aren't on it, then her mouth ain't openin'.
So far, just rice cereal. I wasn't going to introduce even that until she was 6 months, like the AMA recommends. But her doctor recommended it for her slight tummy problems. The solid in the bottom of her tummy really does seem to stop the mild reflux she was having.
We are still not going to introduce any other foods for another month. I am, however, actively trying to wean her from the breast. I didn't want to wait till she had teeth, before trying to wean her. She has already gummed my nipple one too many times.
I will really miss our morning and go to bed nursing.

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